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Writer's pictureHive Surrogacy

The Hive Community

Hive Community

Have you ever seen Instagram reels of a group of women, dancing under the light of the moon and

twinkling lights, laughter and happiness just beaming on their faces. Can you feel that energy through

your phone and wonder, wow, I want that. I want to feel that type of happiness and support? Its

possible, its out there and I never imagine that Surrogacy would open up that door for me the way that

it did.

There’s this whole surrogacy world that is so untapped. So unknown to most people. At least this was

my experience. I was in the “surrogacy world” for over two years before I was exposed to this whole

other side of the surrogacy community. I found my first set of intended parents through my previous

midwife, and although that match had ended due to a worldwide pandemic I was with them for almost

2 years, waiting and hoping for the pandemic to end. In the end we ended contracts and again I didn’t

know where to go, I said to my husband, either I’m going to do this or this is the end of my surrogacy

journey. With no where to turn, I went back to the midwife and asked her advice. She told me her good

friend recently opened an agency and to check them out. Once phone call with Hive Surrogacy and I knew I was where I needed to be.

Hive was small when I joined. It was new and only had a few surrogates at the time. It felt like hyper

speed and before I knew it I was matched and before I knew it, pregnant. Over the course of the my

pregnancy and birth Hive almost tripled in surrogates. Now to be clear, I am an introvert, I’m shy and

suck at making new friends, but at Hive it doesn’t matter. You are welcomed into warm, supportive arms

and whoever you are, you are accepted and loved. This community is like nothing I’ve experienced. All

these women come together with one goal, to help build families. And with that comes an

immeasurable amount of support. Any time of day, any rough patch, any happy moment, any questions,

concerns or complaints you are heard, supported, helped, given advice and celebrated for your little and

big wins. Not just with surrogacy, but in life. This group of ladies is has your back.

What I didn’t expect from Hive was to create life long best friends, people I never would have met who

have become some of my closest friends. Camp Hive is a memory I will forever hold close to my heart.

Meeting all these women for the first time was an experience I had so much anxiety leading up to that

the second I got there all my anxieties vanished.

When you sign up to do surrogacy with Hive, you aren’t just signing up to help a family have a baby,

you’re signing up for so much more. Support, love, friendship. Its all included. Hive means the world to

me and I can never thank them enough for the experience I had, for the connections I’ve made.

Everyone deserves that kind of love and support in all aspects of life, but especially going on a surrogacy

journey. It doesn’t need to be a road you travel alone and Hive really holds your hand through it all.

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