Here at Hive Surrogacy, we feel very strongly that the risk of twins (or more) is a great burden to have a Surrogate carry. We understand the idea that having two babies at once is like "two for the price of one" as you are embarking on this journey. But the problem is that it comes with a lot of risks.
1. Complications:
In addition to premature delivery, other significant risks associated with multiple pregnancies include low birth weight (which can directly cause development or neurological problems), the need for Caesarean sections, the likelihood of pre-eclampsia, and a greater chance of gestational diabetes. While there are risks with every pregnancy, twin births dramatically increase the risks. Studies show that singleton deliveries have a 9% risk of low birth weight and 14% of premature delivery These same risks go up to 57% and 65%, respectively, with twin deliveries. The emotional and financial costs of caring for children with disabilities is much higher. 2. Cost:
Multiple pregnancies often require bed rest and time off work for your Surrogate. It can also lead to long NICU stays for your babies which often is not covered and requires a daily amount of up to $5,000 or more per baby if you do not have provincial insurance. At Hive Surrogacy we require our international families to acquire medical insurance when signing up to protect themselves from these costs and for the safety of their baby. However, this also means possible months of visiting babies in the hospital, missed work, etc.
3. Selective Reduction:
When a surrogate finds herself carrying multiple fetuses, their physician might recommend selective reduction, to reduce the number of fetuses to one or two. This will increase the chances of successful, full-term pregnancy and delivery of a healthy baby. Choosing selective reduction will be a difficult decision for both the surrogate and Intended Parents that can be avoided by choosing a single embryo transfer.
4. Faster Matching:
99% of the families in any agency will be choosing single embryo transfers, as this has become an industry normal. With my years of experience in the industry, I will tell you that Surrogates are learning that the risk of twins is just not worth it to their bodies. Most Surrogates who apply are looking to match with a family who only wants 1 baby at a time.
Once you are matched, you can have the conversation with your Surrogate and your Reproductive Specialist to decide if it is a risk that both the Surrogate and the Doctor feel is safe for her to embark on.
There is also the option of a tandem journey, where you would work with 2 Surrogates at once. Allowing higher chances for having 2 full-term delivery and healthy outcomes for all involved.
If you are interested in learning more about our practices and values here at Hive Surrogacy, please reach out to nici@hivesurrogacy.com